Application for travel document India

Application Number: 10000120
  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Additional Traveller
  • Payment
  • Receive Travel document by e-mail

Step 1

Details of visit

Select travel document Purpose

Passport details

Date of issue

Date of expiry

Date of birth

Personal details


Step 2

Basic Info

Travel document is valid only for entry through 28 designated airports and 5 seaports.
If you don't have a ticket please enter approximate departure date. If your departure is in next 72h please contact us by phone.


Educational qualification

Did you acquire nationality by birth or by naturalization?

Applicant's address details

Father's details

Mother's details

Marital status

Were your grandfather/ grandmother (paternal/maternal) Pakistan nationals or belong to Pakistan held area?

Employment information

Have you ever visited India?

Accommodation details

Details of a contact person in your country

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